Elena lives in the small village of Benitsy, located by the Protva River in the Kaluga region. Together with her husband and daughter, they live in a small, modest house. Elena spends her usual day looking after the household: she cooks lunch, dinner, takes care of the animals. In the evenings, Elena goes to work, and when she returns, she spends time with her loved ones. They often say about Elena that she is like a sister or mother. In the spring, at their house you can often see the cars of different people who come to her for a conversation. As she herself says: “When it’s hard for you, you come to me, live in silence so that your head calms down.” 

Almost a year ago, Maria appeared in Elena’s house — an elderly woman and an old acquaintance whom they had not seen for 18 years. Maria was left without a roof over her head, her house burned down in a fire. Elena immediately took Maria to her place, giving her a whole floor of the house. During this year, Maria has become a real member of the family.